Atari 7800
Mario Bros.

Erstvorstellung 04.06.1988
(Summer CES, USA Chicago)
Veröffentlichung 12/1988
Vertrieb Atari
Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung ITDC
International Technology Development Corp.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Produktcode CX7850
Genre Jump'n'Run
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick/Joypad
Spieler 1–2
Wertung ★★★★

Mario and Luigi battle the pests

Mario the carpenter and his brother Luigi are at it again! This time they must rid their house of crawling pests!

These bizarre creatures have names like Shellcreeper, Sidestepper, and Fighterfly. Test your skills as you bump these pesky bugs off brick floors into the water below. But beware of Slipice the Iceman. You must stop him before he covers the floors with a treacherous layer of slippery ice!

Collect as many coins as you can.

Team up with a friend or brave it alone and help Mario and Luigi battle the crawling pests!

Erste Titelrolle der Brüder Mario und Luigi, die fortan die Maskottchen von Nintendos Konsolen werden sollten. Hier noch in der Rolle von Tischlern statt wie später Klempner.

マリオブラザーズ (Mario Brothers) (Nintendo, 1983)

Weitere Versionen
Mario Bros. (Apple II)
Mario Bros. (Atari 2600)
Mario Bros. (Atari 5200)
Mario Bros. (Atari XL/XE)
Mario Bros. (Commodore 64) (Atari Corp.)
Mario Bros. (Commodore 64) (Atarisoft)
Mario Bros. (Commodore VIC-20)
Mario Bros. (IBM PC)


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Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 10. Juli 2024